Sponsorship Opportunities
You’re invited to be a part of our Celebration!
“Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.” - Jason Collins

Dear Community Partner,
We are proud to bring back the San Luis Valley Pride this year! We are aiming to celebrate and raise awareness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ+) residents that live and work here in the San Luis Valley. As a result of hard work and planning, we are pleased to announce the inaugural SLV PrideFest, to be held at Cole Park on Saturday, August 24, 2024.
In addition, there are a variety of exciting events scheduled leading up to that weekend to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of the LGTBQ+ community here in the San Luis Valley. The SLV PrideFest committee is dedicated to making this event an amazing experience for all who attend.
However, we think our efforts would go even further with the support of area businesses and corporations. Being a sponsor of SLV Pride provides a large amount of exposure for your business to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. Supporting SLV Pride shows that your business truly cares about and supports all members of this community.
We reach out today asking for your consideration to become one of the sponsors of SLV PrideFest. With your sponsorship and/or donations, we can make this event truly successful while continuing to grow and support the SLV Pride organization, providing access to resources and community to the LGBTQ+ community members in our area. The levels of sponsorship are attached.
If you, your business or organization is interested in being one of our sponsors, please reach out to us at sanluisvalleypride@gmail.com. We can’t wait to hear back from you!
With deepest thanks and warm regards,
SLV Pridefest Committee
PRIDEFEST 2024 Sponsorship/Donation Levels
Rainbow Sponsor/Donor ($2,001 +)
o Exclusive Naming rights to the Entertainment Stage.
o All Benefits of Equality Sponsorship/Donor
● Equality Sponsor/Donor ($1,500 to $2,000)
o All Benefits of Diversity Sponsorship/Donor
o Sponsorship Contact receives a Pridefest T-Shirt
● Diversity Sponsor/Donor ($1,000 to $1,999)
o Name & Logo on Banner at Info Tent
o Name & Logo on all marketing materials and website
o Name & Logo on Pridefest Program
o One 10’x10’ booth space (to be used by sponsor or donated to a not-for-profit org –
subject to approval)
o Sponsorship announced from stage throughout event
● Progress Sponsor/Donor ($500 to $999)
o Name & Logo on Banner at Info Tent
o Name & Logo on all marketing materials and website
o Name & Logo on Pridefest Program
o One 10’x10’ booth space (to be used by sponsor or donated to a not-for-profit org –
subject to approval)
o Sponsorship announced from stage throughout event
● Unity Sponsor/Donor – ($250)
o Name & Logo on Banner at Info Tent
o Name & Logo on all marketing materials and website
o Name & Logo on Pridefest Program
o Sponsorship announced from stage throughout event
● Pride Sponsor/Donor ($100)
o Name & Logo on website
o Name & Logo on Pridefest Program
*For Physical Marketing Participation, the deadline is June 30, 2024